Yes, once again I am home today with a sick child!! Twice in less than a week. I can catch up on blogging while both boys are sleeping late.
Last Thursday night Lane had the stomach bug...threw up in his bed. Jay was out of town and it made for quite an adventure...getting him washed in the tub, then covering my bed in case he got sick while I stripped everything off of his bed, threw them in the washer, and made up his bed all over again! Luckily, he never got sick again but ran a fever and wasn't big on eating much. By Saturday morning, he was well again.
Yesterday, the school secretary brought Lane to my room complaining of an earache and headache.....I gave him some Tylenol and checked on him later and he was fine. He even went to tennis lessons with Bryce after school. But by yesterday evening he was very GROUCHY, out of character for him. I should have been prepared for something this morning. At 6:30, he woke up coughing like a seal, crying, and beside himself. I think maybe we have a sinus infection, ear infection, or strep throat!! Off to the doctor we go!
*** Found out at the doctor that Lane has Bronchitis and maybe Strep throat. The doctor put him on an antibiotic that will cover both. I was shocked about the Bronchitis....he really has not been coughing at all, but has had a lot of sinus drainage from his allergies. Glad I took him, now we can get him well before convention next week!