Our captain for Saturday's boat ride on Lake Claiborne in Pawpaw's barge. We took our supper out and enjoyed the afternoon. L is learning how to drive at a very slow speed, he told his dad "But, I need to go faster!" He is already wanting to speed!! I have more pictures of our afternoon, I 'll post them later.
Friday, April 27, 2007
B likes to rock, especially in the big chairs on the front porch.
While I fed the fish in our pond, the boys went "fishing". I like their way of fishing, because I don't have to bait their hook. Yes Dad, I have learned how to use crickets!!:( L loves to just play with the crickets.
The boys came down late one night hunting for the "bad guys". They were doing this in the dark, but I had to turn on the light to get the picture. Notice their choice of weapons and facial expressions. That alone would scare me away!!!
Fun decorating eggs with cousins.
Smiling faces after the egg hunt.
Hunting eggs for the first time this year!! We had to do it twice it was so much fun!
The boys drive these until the batteries wear down. It is the next best thing to driving a truck. L is going to drive a Dodge truck like his Daddy's and B is going to ride a bicycle( he means motorcycle), not if his Mommy has anything to say!!!:)
All sorts of silliness before meeting time, thank goodness!!
Helping Daddy get the garden started. We will add more pictures as it grows. We have planted tomatoes, squash, zuchinni, peppers and cucumbers.