Saturday, October 20, 2007

Busy Saturday!!!

We have been having awesome fall weather, so today was the day we built the boys a new wooden swing set. It is an all day ordeal. :0 I will post pictures tomorrow, because it was dusk by time the kids were able to swing and play. I was motivated to clean out our laundry room/storage room with the weather being so nice. It is a seperate room from the house, so it collects a lot of junk, dirt, leaves, etc.. I have a pile going to the dumpster and some things going to Goodwill. ........We are looking forward to Jeremy, Lisa and Grant stopping by a week from Monday on their way to NO down south. I went through the boy's clothes today to send any that little Grant might be able to use with them. Looking ahead to next week, we'll plan to get the weekend of Effie. Have a great weekend!!:)

1 comment:

Traci K said...

What fun for the boys! And just in time for the cooler weather so they can be out more!